How to Handle His Snake Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty

Snake salamandra

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty – The enigmatic Yumi Sin, with her serpent companion and mystical abilities, presents a captivating subject for exploration. This guide delves into the intricacies of her playstyle, offering insights into her abilities, itemization, and strategies to unleash her true potential on the battlefield.

Understanding Snake Yumi Sin’s Abilities

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

Yumi Sin is a highly versatile champion in League of Legends, possessing a unique set of abilities that make her a formidable force in both team fights and solo lanes. Her passive, Q, W, E, and R abilities synergize effectively, granting her mobility, crowd control, and high damage output.

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Passive: Venomous Strike, How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

Yumi’s passive ability, Venomous Strike, empowers her basic attacks to deal bonus magic damage. This damage scales with her ability power, making her a potent threat in extended trades and team fights. Additionally, her basic attacks apply a stack of venom to enemy champions.

When an enemy champion accumulates three stacks of venom, they become vulnerable to Yumi’s ultimate ability, Serpentine Sting.

Q: Piercing Strike

Piercing Strike is Yumi’s primary damage-dealing ability. It allows her to dash a short distance and strike an enemy champion, dealing physical damage. Piercing Strike also reduces the cooldown of Yumi’s other abilities, allowing her to chain her abilities together for maximum damage output.

W: Serpent’s Embrace

Serpent’s Embrace is Yumi’s primary crowd control ability. It allows her to fire a poisonous projectile that damages and slows enemy champions. Additionally, Serpent’s Embrace reveals enemy champions hit by the projectile, providing valuable vision in team fights and skirmishes.

E: Venomous Bite

Venomous Bite is Yumi’s self-peel ability. It allows her to dash a short distance and become invulnerable for a brief period of time. This ability is invaluable for escaping ganks, dodging enemy skill shots, or repositioning during team fights.

R: Serpentine Sting

Serpentine Sting is Yumi’s ultimate ability. It allows her to channel a powerful beam of venom that damages and slows all enemy champions within its area of effect. Serpentine Sting is particularly effective when used on enemy champions who have accumulated three stacks of venom from Yumi’s passive ability.

Itemization and Rune Selection for Snake Yumi Sin


Yumi Sin’s itemization and rune selection play a crucial role in optimizing her performance in the jungle. Understanding the core items, situational options, and optimal rune setup will enhance her damage output, survivability, and overall impact on the game.

Core Items

* Kraken Slayer:A mythic item that grants Yumi Sin bonus attack damage, attack speed, and on-hit effects. It synergizes well with her passive, enhancing her damage and empowering her auto-attacks.

Blade of the Ruined King

Provides lifesteal, attack speed, and a passive that deals bonus physical damage on-hit. It helps Yumi Sin sustain in the jungle and enhances her dueling potential.

Death’s Dance

A defensive item that grants bonus armor, ability haste, and a passive that converts a portion of physical damage taken into bleed damage over time. It increases Yumi Sin’s survivability in team fights and allows her to stay in the fray longer.

Situational Items

* Guinsoo’s Rageblade:An item that grants bonus attack speed, on-hit damage, and a passive that stacks bonus attack speed with each attack. It synergizes well with Yumi Sin’s rapid auto-attacks and enhances her late-game damage output.

Lord Dominik’s Regards

A penetration item that grants bonus armor penetration and a passive that deals bonus damage to targets with high health. It is effective against tanky champions and helps Yumi Sin secure kills in the late game.

Guardian Angel

A defensive item that grants bonus armor, magic resistance, and a passive that revives Yumi Sin upon death. It provides an extra layer of protection and allows her to re-enter fights with a second chance.

Rune Setup

Primary Runes:* Conqueror:A keystone rune that grants bonus adaptive force and a stackable passive that increases Yumi Sin’s damage based on the number of unique enemy champions she hits. It is ideal for prolonged fights and team fights.


A rune that grants bonus gold and health after securing a kill or assist. It helps Yumi Sin snowball and sustain in the jungle.


Alacrity: A rune that grants bonus attack speed as the game progresses. It enhances Yumi Sin’s auto-attack damage and jungle clear speed.

Coup de Grace

A rune that deals bonus damage to targets below a certain health threshold. It amplifies Yumi Sin’s burst damage and helps secure kills. Secondary Runes:* Domination:

Sudden Impact

A rune that grants bonus armor and magic penetration after using an ability. It synergizes well with Yumi Sin’s W, enhancing her burst damage.

Ravenous Hunter

A rune that grants bonus lifesteal based on the number of unique enemy champions she kills. It improves Yumi Sin’s sustain and jungle clear speed.

There’s a fine line between handling a snake and handling an insurance agent. Both require a deft touch and a keen eye for detail. While you may not be able to charm a snake, you can certainly charm an insurance agent into increasing their productivity.

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A rune that grants bonus armor and magic resistance as the game progresses. It increases Yumi Sin’s survivability in the early game.


A rune that reduces the duration of crowd control effects and grants tenacity. It enhances Yumi Sin’s ability to escape ganks and survive in team fights.

Laning Phase Strategies

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

As Snake Yumi Sin, you play a crucial role in the laning phase, synergizing with your ADC to dominate the lane and secure objectives. Understanding your role and adjusting your playstyle based on the matchup is key to success.

During the laning phase, your primary goal is to harass opponents, control the wave, and secure objectives. Coordinate with your ADC to create opportunities for kills and tower takedowns.

Harassing Opponents

  • Use Snake Charmer’s Dance to apply stacks of Venom and slow enemies.
  • Follow up with Venomous Strike to deal additional damage and proc Venom’s true damage.
  • Coordinate with your ADC to burst down enemies when they have three stacks of Venom.

Controlling the Wave

  • Use Venomous Strike to last-hit minions and control the wave’s position.
  • Communicate with your ADC to freeze the wave near your tower for safety or push it to create pressure.
  • Avoid overextending and getting caught out by enemy ganks.

Securing Objectives

  • Coordinate with your team to take down the Rift Scuttler for vision control and bonus gold.
  • Participate in dragon fights and secure kills to deny the enemy team objectives.
  • Use Snake Charmer’s Dance to slow down enemies and help your team secure objectives.

Matchup Adjustments

  • Against poke-heavy matchups, focus on dodging skill shots and using your mobility to engage or disengage.
  • Against all-in matchups, play cautiously and use Snake Charmer’s Dance to kite enemies.
  • Against tanky matchups, build armor penetration items to increase your damage output.

Teamfight Positioning and Ultimate Usage: How To Handle His Snake Yumi Sin And Fit Kitty

Yumi Sin’s positioning in teamfights is crucial for her success. As a squishy enchanter, she needs to stay out of harm’s way while providing support to her team. This means staying behind her frontline and using her abilities to peel for her teammates or engage on enemies.

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Her ultimate, Cataclysm, is a powerful tool that can be used to peel for teammates or engage on enemies. When used defensively, Cataclysm can knock back enemies and stun them, giving her team time to escape or regroup. When used offensively, Cataclysm can be used to engage on enemies and set up kills.

It is important to coordinate with allies to maximize the impact of Cataclysm.

Coordinating with Allies

Coordinating with allies is essential for maximizing the impact of Yumi Sin’s ultimate. Here are a few tips:

  • Communicate with your team to let them know when you are going to use your ultimate.
  • Coordinate with your frontline to make sure they are ready to engage or peel when you use your ultimate.
  • Use your ultimate to follow up on your team’s engage or to peel for your teammates when they are being attacked.

Scaling and Late-Game Impact

Yumi Sin excels in the late game, becoming a formidable hypercarry with immense damage potential. Her abilities synergize well, allowing her to shred through enemy defenses and melt down tanks.As the game progresses, Yumi Sin’s base stats and itemization significantly increase her damage output.

Her passive, Gathering Shadows, provides bonus attack speed and movement speed for each nearby enemy, amplifying her damage and mobility. Additionally, her ultimate, Final Hour, grants her a massive attack speed boost, enabling her to unleash a barrage of attacks.

Maintaining Power

To maintain her power throughout the game, Yumi Sin should focus on farming and securing objectives. She benefits from items that enhance her damage, such as Infinity Edge and Phantom Dancer. Additionally, staying ahead in levels and gold is crucial to maximize her impact.

Transitioning to Late Game

During the laning phase, Yumi Sin should focus on farming and avoiding unnecessary engagements. Once she reaches level 6 and acquires a few core items, she can start to transition into a more aggressive playstyle. Grouping with her team for objectives and team fights becomes essential as she scales into the late game.

End of Discussion

Snake salamandra

Mastering Yumi Sin demands a deep understanding of her abilities and synergies, careful itemization, and astute positioning in teamfights. By embracing the guidance provided in this comprehensive guide, players can elevate their gameplay, harnessing the power of Yumi Sin and her serpentine companion to dominate the Rift.

Quick FAQs

What is Yumi Sin’s passive ability?

Yumi Sin’s passive, Way of the Serpent, grants her bonus damage on her basic attacks after casting an ability.

What are the core items for Yumi Sin?

Yumi Sin’s core items typically include Kraken Slayer, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, and Runaan’s Hurricane.

How should Yumi Sin position herself in teamfights?

Yumi Sin should prioritize staying on the outskirts of teamfights, using her ultimate to peel for teammates or engage on isolated targets.

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About the Author: Jason